Beyond YouTube: Mapping Music on the Internet
Links Only
Descriptions and Links
> Album Covers
> Song Covers
> Blues
> Children’s Music and Parental Guides
> Downloading, Streaming, Playlists
> Finding Live Music
> Folk, Acoustic, Americana
> Halls of Fame and Museums
> History Timelines and other Deeper Dives
> Instruments and Resources for Musicians
> Internet Radio
> Jazz
> Lyrics and Song Interpretations
> Maps and Recommendation Engines
> Mastering Remastering
> Miscellaneous Sites Including Indie, Girl Groups, EDM, Trap, Pop
> Music Archives
> Music News and Commentary
> Odd and Unique Sites
> Online Music Communities
> Organizing Music Libraries
> Rating Music
> Regional Sites
> Rock
> Setlists
> Television, Podcast, Movies and Performance Sites
> Trivia
> Video Sites
> Wikis
Opinion: Descriptions and Links
> Best Soundtracks
> Focus on the Greats: Rock
> How to Listen to Music
> Movies About Rock
> Recommended Rock Books
> Recommended Videos
Wikis, for those who don’t follow these things, are data repositories contributed to and maintained by visitors and generally are concentrated lists of links and information on a particular topic. Wikipedia is the highest profile wiki. This category will expand significantly over time.
Best Music and Songs Wiki
Welcome to the sister wiki of LambdaLegend’s Horrible Music & Songs Wiki, the Best Music and Songs Wiki, where we list songs and albums that are great, good music moments and well-received musicians and bands. Currently on the wiki, there are 961 articles, 1,991 files and 16,554 edits so far. Enjoy your time! See more of our statistics here.
CPDL was founded in December 1998, ported to ChoralWiki in August 2005, and incorporated in May 2010 as a U.S.A. 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization.
Here you will find free choral/vocal scores, texts, translations, and other useful information.
Horrible Music and Songs Wiki
“ATTENTION! Not all songs are good. Not all music artists and groups are good. Not all music moments are good. Not all albums are good. Welcome to the Horrible Music & Songs Wiki, where we list singers that almost everyone hates, terrible albums, horrible moments in music history, and even some of the worst songs ever!”

We are a free wiki website where anyone can get reliable lyrics for any song by any artist.
MusicBrainz is an open music encyclopedia that collects music metadata and makes it available to the public. MusicBrainz aims to be…The ultimate source of music information by allowing anyone to contribute and releasing the data under open licenses [and] the universal lingua franca for music by providing a reliable and unambiguous form of music identification, enabling both people and machines to have meaningful conversations about music.
MusicMoz is a comprehensive directory of all things music, edited by volunteers. We list, and accept submissions of, music-related reviews, articles, factual information, biographies, and websites. You can browse the site using our hierarchy of categories, or use the search feature to locate the information you’re looking for. Our content is also freely available for use on other websites.
The Music Wiki
“The Music Wiki is a user-run community site devoted to creating the definitive music encyclopedia, encompassing all aspects music and related topics. We currently have 46 active editors working on 19,537 articles and 11,018 images!”
Wikiedia is the uber-wiki. Here is its landing page for music.