Beyond YouTube: Mapping Music on the Internet
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This list will grow and probably divide into electric and acoustic versions.
All About Blues Music
There are many ways to describe the Blues, but as Gary Moore said, ‘Everybody knows what it’s about.’ Life, love, loss, there’s no story the Blues can’t tell without touching somebody’s soul. It’s best described as an emotional roller coaster, taking on a journey of highs and lows of joy, fury and heartbreak.This music has come a long way since its birth in the 19th century. Since then it has experienced a rapid evolution in form and style, giving us Rhythm ’n’ Blues (R ’n B), Gospel, Soul, and even Rock and Roll and Heavy Metal.
Without the likes of Robert Johnson, or Muddy Waters we wouldn’t have Eric Clapton, Slash, the Rolling Stones or Louis Armstrong. As the great Willie Dixon put it, ‘The Blues are the roots and the other musics are the fruits.

American Blues Scene
Back in the fourth quarter of 2010 when we founded ABS, aside from a small number of enthusiastic bloggers, there was little structured information or reliable content revolving specifically around blues music. We decided to reliably publish regular content not only about the most exciting contemporary acts, but also the broad, sometimes hidden history of the blues genre and the incredible ways it has shaped not only the country, but the world’s culture. Nearly 1,500 articles and ten thousand miles of travel later, we’re continuing to pioneer quality music content for a blues and roots fanbase.
BG Blues and Music News
Buddy Guy’s Legends is a website associated with Guy’s restaurants. It has a unique mix of real editorial and menus. It’s not the greatest site in the world, but worth checking out. Also, it is connected to Buddy Guy Radio.
Blues Blast Magazine
Blues Blast Magazine is an internet magazine featuring interviews, music reviews, photos, news, and more. Join 38,000 other Blues fans and get the latest news each week in your inbox!
Blues Rock Review
Blues Rock Review was founded in 2010 and launched full time in May, 2011. Based in the United States with writers across the globe, our purpose is to promote the top acts in the Blues Rock genre. At Blues Rock Review, you will find reviews, interviews, videos, and more about the best in Blues Rock. There are so many great artists out there and we believe it’s our duty to bring them to you.