Beyond YouTube: Mapping Music on the Internet
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The good news is that there is a ton of great music for kids on the Internet. The bad news is that it is impossible to keep track of what they actually are listening to. So this list includes links to what you want them to listen to and how scary their real listening may be.
Children’s Music Network
In the 1980s, like-minded teachers, performers, songwriters, radio hosts, and parents who cared about the quality and content of children’s music established The Children’s Music Network (CMN) – a nonprofit association that now has members across the United States and Canada. The Children’s Music Network celebrates the positive power of music in the lives of children by sharing songs, exchanging ideas and creating community.
Common Sense Media
Your trusted guide for a fast-changing world. Media and technology are at the center of kids’ lives every day. From a very young age, kids use technology at home and at school to connect with friends and family and to document their lives and create digital content of their own. With more and more of life happening online, what catches kids’ attention isn’t always what’s best for them, and what companies do with their personal information isn’t always clear.

Classics for Kids
Classics for Kids is here to help you learn about classical music and have fun too!
Listen on the radio: Naomi Lewin brings classical music’s great composers to life through music and stories. Find Classics for Kids on the radio listen to our podcast or listen to the programs online. Have fun online with classical music games.
e-music maestro
e-music maestro is a commercial site that offers musical testing and training for kids. It’s blog, however, seems to have good information.
Lullaby Link
Was a lullaby the first music? Do you ever wonder what music was like before people were able to write it down with an established notation and before we could record it or play it back? What inspired us to sing? What were the moments that were too profound to be expressed just by the spoken word? It is easy to imagine that some of the first songs ever sung were to our children.
Lullabies are also called cradle songs. Where the actual word ‘lullaby’ came from is a source of some debate. One interesting idea is that it is a derivative of the Hebrew ‘Lilith-abi’ which means ‘Lilith begone.’
In the Jewish tradition, Lilith was thought to be a demon who stole the souls of children in the night. It’s a wonderful idea that our intimate baby music protects our little ones “all through the night.”
Parental Guide: Where Families Click Together
Welcome to For over 12 years we’ve been dedicated to providing parents with the information and know-how to protect their families. There are so many influences in the world today that are inappropriate for your children that it can sometimes seem like a hopeless battle to raise them with the values you want to instill in them.
QuaverMusic is a world leader in online curriculum development for grades Pre-K to 8. The company started in 2009 in Music City, Nashville, TN with a focus on general music education. Our approach to online curriculum development combines engaging digital resources, ongoing professional development, world-class customer service.