Beyond YouTube: Mapping Music on the Internet
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I couldn’t figure out where else to put these sites, which is no reason not to include them.
Functional Music to Improve
Focus in 15 Minutes: Our science-first approach creates music that sounds different–and affects your brain differently–than any other music.
Listen to Wikipedia
Listen to the sound of Wikipedia’s recent changes feed. Bells indicate additions and string plucks indicate subtractions. Pitch changes according to the size of the edit; the larger the edit, the deeper the note. Green circles show edits from unregistered contributors, and purple circles mark edits performed by automated bots. You may see announcements for new users as they join the site, punctuated by a string swell. You can welcome him or her by clicking the blue banner and adding a note on their talk page. [Editor’s Note: This is the oddest site I found, mainly because the description is so uninviting and the reality is that the random tonal sound is soothing.]

Music and the Brain
The Library’s Music and the Brain events offer lectures, conversations and symposia about the explosion of new research at the intersection of cognitive neuroscience and music. Project chair Kay Redfield Jamison convenes scientists and scholars, composers, performers, theorists, physicians, psychologists, and other experts at the Library for a compelling 2-year series, with generous support from the Dana Foundation.
The Music Lab
We do citizen science to learn how the human mind creates and perceives music. Pick a game to get started! We recommend wearing headphones but you can also play while listening on speakers.
Please feel free to send us feedback about your experience.
Music and Memory
MUSIC & MEMORY is a non-profit organization that helps individuals with a wide range of cognitive and physical conditions to engage with the world, ease pain, and reclaim their humanity through the use of personalized music playlists.
Neil Young Archives
The Neil Young Archives is a longtime project by singer-songwriter Neil Young which started as a series of archival releases featuring previously released as well as unreleased studio and live recordings, and eventually developed into a website featuring almost the whole Young’s recording output throughout his career, available for streaming in high resolution audio format. The project has been long in the making – work began in the late 1980s. Throughout its development, Young himself has made several statements about the material included, release dates, and marketing that have proven false as the project was modif

ied for new multimedia formats and expanded upon to accommodate new releases or other relevant material. Young has said that there will be five volumes covering approximately 50 years. (Description: Wikipedia)
Percy Faith Pages
Percy Faith had a tremendous career, doing just what he wanted to do, creating albums of beautiful music. Actually that’s the second half of his career, the first was on the air” bringing his unique orchestral arrangements and compositions to radio. I’ve been told that there was actually a time when few households had TELEVISIONS… my late mother used to stay up late at night to hear David Rose and his CALIFORNIA MELODIES programs. As time goes by people don’t even remember Percy’s hit arrangement of Max Steiner’s SUMMER PLACE, or DELICADO or MOULIN ROUGE – but view these pages and you’ll realize that he recorded over a thousand arrangements with a style that could never be duplicated.
Psychology of Music
Psychology of Music publishes peer reviewed papers directed at increasing the scientific understanding of any psychological aspect of music. These include studies on listening, performing, creating, memorising, analysing, describing, learning, and teaching, as well as applied social, developmental, attitudinal and therapeutic studies.