Beyond YouTube: Mapping Music on the Internet
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Of special note here is Reddit. It has a tremendous amount of subreddits aimed at music topics.
Music Aficionado
Music Aficionado is the online community for people who are passionate about great music… from the past as well as the present.
Music Fans Beta
Stack Overflow is an online community for people who are interested computer coding. For some reason, the site runs a series of cultural discussion communities, including one called “Music Fans.” A lot of discussion threads are there.
Reddit is home to thousands of communities, endless conversation, and authentic human connection. Whether you’re into breaking news, sports, TV fan theories, or a never-ending stream of the internet’s cutest animals, there’s a community on Reddit for you.
When we started in 2008, Smule was just a company with a fun name and a big dream. We wanted to bring music back to its roots and empower anyone to join in. Today, we’re a vibrant, global community of music lovers where millions of people across the world come together each day to share their passion for music, make new friends, cheer each other on, and simply have fun.

With over 730,000 discussions, 21,700,000 posts and 88,000 members we invite you to join us today!
Keep up to date with the latest on the Grateful Dead (The Grateful Thread), the Beach Boys, the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Classical Music threads, The Jazz Beat thread and releases, the newest music reissues and much more; audio hardware discussions including Audio Note UK and the latest and coolest in Visual Arts!
[Editor’s Note: Hoffman’s day job is mastering recordings. The site deals with that, but also with many other musical topics. There are a lot of interesting threads and other info here, including a lot of discussion threads]T.H.E – Music Essentials
As T.H.E – Music Essentials celebrates 8 years of curating a thriving community of avid electronic dance music lovers, we take this moment to celebrate and recognise what we have achieved, and the team responsible for this achievement. The theme for this celebration is “8 Years Of T.H.E” and in this segment, we collaborate with artists on what the number 8 means to them – could be songs/albums/things they like or dislike about electronic music/tips etc, and we also share a glimpse into the life of each member of the awesome team behind T.H.E – Music Essentials.
Tribe of Noise
Founded in The Netherlands in 2008 Tribe of Noise is a true musician-centric community and ‘music for business’ service company. Main objective: Creating fair and sustainable business opportunities for talented artists. Over 34,000 Tribe composers, singer songwriters, producers and performing artists from 194 countries are part of the Tribe of Noise online community.
Twitch is where millions of people come together live every day to chat, interact, and make their own entertainment together.