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Covers often are shout-outs, one band or performer paying homage to another. Phish, for instance, periodically chooses another band’s album to cover in concert (The Beatles’ ‘White Album,” The Who’s “Quadrophenia,” The Rolling Stones’ “Exile on Main Street” and Little Feat’s “Waiting for Columbus” are examples). Sometimes a cover is better and more successful than the original. For instance, Roy Orbison’s “Blue Bayou” became one of Linda Ronstadt’s biggest hits and Santana’s hit “Oye Coma Va” is a Tito Puente song.
50 Cover Songs Way Better Than the Original: An intriguing headline, but if a cover wasn’t as good as the original, nobody would remember it. In any case, “way better” seems subjective at best and a bit nasty at worst.
Cover Me
A (Very) Brief History: Cover Me began in 2006 as a cover songs radio show that went largely unheard in backwoods New Hampshire. In fall ’07, Cover Me took on blog form. It’s remained that way ever since. Cover Me posts news articles and features all week, focusing on cover songs, tribute albums, and the like.

Second Hand Songs
SecondHandSongs is a database of originals, cover songs, sampled songs and sampling songs.
It’s an advanced database which stores the data in a reusable and maintainable way, and which is interconnected to many other online databases.
Though we make no claims to be the utmost authority on what someone should or shouldn’t listen to, we do give honest, descriptive reviews while attempting to do so creatively. We try to cover a wide spectrum of music, ranging from electronic to punk to metal to hip-hop, and not all of us may be as well-versed, individually, in certain genres as we are in others. But the beauty of Treble is that it doesn’t represent one viewpoint—it’s a collective of many different people, with different opinions and ideas. And as music fans, we’re always keeping our ears open for what sounds new and exciting, no matter the style.
TimeOut New York
“The Best Cover Songs of All Time:” It’s a pretty arrogant title, but an interesting list.
WhoSampled is the world’s largest community for fans of sampled music, cover songs and remixes. WhoSampled is open to everyone to submit information about a sample, cover song or remix, and subject to approval it will be added to the database, published across our platforms, to be discovered and discussed by the world.