Donald (Duck) Dunn: 1941-2012 Donald “Duck” Dunn, who died in Japan this weekend, tended to get overshadowed. It was probably how he liked it. With...
Archive - March 2018
The great news is that Wanda Jackson still is going strong. Her current tour lasts into September. The Queen of Rockabilly often performed with Elvis (here is...
Classy for the weekend. If you remember the television program for which this was the theme, you (like me) are not a youngster and from New York. Here is a...
Flogging Molly is best described at its YouTube Channel: The Los Angeles-based post-grunge seven-piece Flogging Molly are an interesting mix of traditional...
Bonnie Raitt, usually an electric slide player, shows her versatility in the clip above. Raitt started her tour this week and has a new album, Slipstream. She...
I can’t think of a performer as intense as James Brown in terms of both talent and personality. There really isn’t anyone close. And it...
Ragtime, perhaps because of the popularity of Scott Joplin, is associated with the piano. There also is a school of ragtime guitar, however. Elizabeth Cotten...
Fork in the Road almost certainly is unique among videos made by superstars. If you haven’t seen it, check it out. I’m not sure what the back story...
Classy for the weekend. The go-to piece for cartoons and TV commercials.
Modest Mouse – Dashboard from Jenny Ko on Vimeo. Dashboard is sort of the dream you would have after having a spicy meal, reading a bit of Moby Dick and...
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