ZZ Top: “I Gotsta Get Paid” and “La Grange”
ZZ Top: “I Gotsta Get Paid” and “La Grange”

In 1994, ZZ Top was offered $1 million apiece by Gillette to shave their beards for a television commercial. The good news is that both lead guitarist Billy Gibbons and bass player Dusty Hill refused. The irony is that the only clean shaven person in the band is drummer Frank Beard.

Bob Marley and the Wailers
Bob Marley and the Wailers

Marley is one of the most compelling and influential musical personalities and performers of the 20th century, and it's no exaggeration to say that The Wailers are The Beatles of Reggae. Check out "Stir it Up."

It’s Really Hard Not to Like Courtney Barnett
It's Really Hard Not to Like Courtney Barnett

Apparently, her fellow Australian musicians indeed are fond of her. Many made cameos in her video "Elevator Operator."

Louis Armstrong
Louis Armstrong

There is no American musician more important than Armstrong. It's a combination of talent, where history put him and, above all, an indomitable spirit. Check out a duet with the great Danny Kaye.

Podcast: Michael Streissguth on Johnny Cash

He went in and out of style while he was alive, but Johnny Cash now is an icon. Streissguth, a professor at LeMoyne College, has written extensively about Cash and country music.

The Many Worlds of Valerie June

Valerie June Hockett was born in Tennessee, lived in Memphis and has relocated to Brooklyn. You are in for a treat if you aren't familiar with her.

The Many Worlds of Valerie June

'Hit the Road Jack,' which was written by Percy Mayfield, clocks in at about 2 minutes. That's not long--but enough to be one of Charles' three number ones.

Quite a Trip: Ray Charles Hits the Road in His Shortest Number One Hit
Leon Russell

In addition to writing great songs, Russell was a member of The Wrecking Crew and pivotal to Mad Dogs and Englishmen. Check out a long studio session video which also features the great JJ Cale.

Fifteen Great Musical Moments from Non-Musical Movies

It's ironic that a song often is pivotal in a movie that is not primarily about music. Check out some special moments

Ginger Baker: Great Drummer, Bad Guy

He, along with Keith Moon and a couple of others, defined the instrument for rock. To say Baker was not a beloved figure is an understatement, however.

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ZZ Top: “I Gotsta Get Paid” and “La Grange”
Bob Marley and the Wailers
It’s Really Hard Not to Like Courtney Barnett
Louis Armstrong
Podcast: Michael Streissguth on Johnny Cash
The Many Worlds of Valerie June
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